Heroes Of Newerth Silhouette Items, Gameplay, Strategy Guide - HoN Silhouette Guide
>> Thursday, April 14, 2011 –
heroes guide
Heroes Of Newerth Silhouette Items, Gameplay, Strategy Guide - HoN Silhouette Guide. The inclusion of one more new hero from Heroes Of Newerth is going to be done on this week. Yes you can believe what you are going to read because Silhouette is the upcoming hero in HoN. Actually we can also count her as a heroin but according to rules we will call him a hero.
Spells Of Silhouette :-
1st Spell :- Death Lotus
2nd Spell :- Tree Grapple
3rd Spell :- Relentless Salvo
4th Spell :- Shadow
S2 Games describes Silhouette:-
Silhouette Skill Build
Coming Soon!
Silhouette Item Build
Coming Soon!
Spells Of Silhouette :-
1st Spell :- Death Lotus
2nd Spell :- Tree Grapple
3rd Spell :- Relentless Salvo
S2 Games describes Silhouette:-
We hope that the addition of a new agility hero will be deeply appreciated by the HoN fans from all around the world. The Silhouette model is complete and HoN developing team will include this hero on this Friday. So keep visiting here and check the latest updates of your favorite game.Silhouette is a complete Agility hero based around quick, unpredictable movements and attacks. She’s definitely got carry potential, but also houses an array of early game action tools to let her get in the fray early on. Silhouette has the arsenal of any self-respecting ninja: she owns a vast collection of shiny throwing projectiles, and always has her trusty grappling hook with her. Ninjas are tricky, and Silhouette is no exception; even her Shadow is a weapon.
Silhouette Skill Build
Coming Soon!
Silhouette Item Build
Coming Soon!