Heroes Of Newerth 2.1.5 Changelogs and Download | HoN 2.1.5 patch Notes

Heroes Of Newerth 2.1.5 patch is live.. Heroes Of Newerth 2.1.5 is just release within the few hours hours after HoN 2.1.4 patch release. The reason behind HoN 2.1.5 patch release is to fix some critical bugs and errors which were remain unfix. The most irritating bugs which appear were Shieldbreaker applying the debuff on Spell Damage and Frist Rider slow from the cursed sheild. Below you can check out the full changelogs of HoN 2.1.5 patch.

Heroes Of Newerth Version 2.1.5 :

- Fixed Shieldbreaker applying the debuff on Spell Damage
- Fixed Frost Rider slow from Cursed Shield working correctly
- This was missing from the 2.1.4 Patch Notes:
- Amun-Ra’s Path of Destruction is now a ground target ability instead of a facing ability. Still goes 600 units, just in the direction you target
Heroes Of Newert 2.1.5 Patch Download :

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