HoN Hero Video Spotlight on Midas
>> Thursday, September 8, 2011 –
heroes guide
The legendary golden king is now in Newerth!
With a touch of gold!
How To Play Midas:
Since Midas is a ranged strength caster, Midas can do a whole lot of builds.
Semi-carry build
Get some early mana regeneration items, followed by standard attack boosting items that give him survivability, such as frostwolf skull and (Manta) geometer's bane, will set him up to do significant damage with his normal attacks, and make full use of his disables. With enough health points, he can warp into groups of enemy heroes, stunning them and shutting them down with a very strong attack damage.
Support Build
Max out salvo and lion's pride as soon as possible and add a single point in warp for the emergency mobility to grant you maximum range harassment without committing to jumping too far into enemy territory in order to deal damage.